ABOUT the Three Counties Ability Counts League



Since 1999 the Football Association has had an Ability Counts programme in place to enhance the opportunities for players with a disability to get closer to the mainstream game that we all love. Over the last decade this initiative has developed from grass roots clubs to form regional leagues and since 2011 moved to the formation of County Leagues. In Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire, the rural nature of these counties has made it quite a task to attract sufficient numbers of players to form enough teams to justify league structures. However, despite these difficulties, the Three Counties Ability Counts League was formed to maximise both the numbers available to join teams and the opportunities to play in safe, competitive matches.

The league currently meets, in tournament style, six times per season. The venues we play at rotate through the ThreeCounties, with each county hosting 2 tournaments. The League has a core of 12 teams from the region and is actively seeking out more players and volunteers to expand on the huge efforts that all our participants have contributed to date.

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The Three Counties Ability Counts League is constituted to arrange PAN-Disability association football matches between teams comprising players with some form of disability that are fully affiliated with their parent County Football Association and are either full Charter Standard Clubs or who are in the process of adopting Charter Standard status.  All League match events are grouped into a series of Tournament sessions per season.

The 3CACL will deliver safe competitive match opportunities for teams originating in the counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire in accordance with Charter Standard League rules and conditions and all other rules required by the Football Association. This will include adopting FA sanctioned Child Protection and Safeguarding, Equality and Anti-Bullying regulations.

We wish for everyone who may not be able to find a place in more mainstream teams to be able to play football in an environment of safety and positive encouragement.  We actively bear down on all instances of poor sportsmanship and over-aggressive competitive behaviour.  Our aim is for everyone to enjoy their football experience.


Contact Details

If you would like to contact us please use the following details

Please send all written correspondents to the address below marked for attention of Three Counties Ability League

Worcestershire FA | County Sports Ground | Claines Lane | Worcester | Worcestershire | WR3 7SS

League Secretary (MAIN CONTACT)

07849 497822

Michael Humphries
League Welfare Officer

07515 423275

Derek Cunningham MBE

01684 560 445

Issey Lee-Fisher
Worcestershire FA

01905 827137 ext: 210

Ian Preece
Shropshire Contact

07545 891769

Scott Russell
Disability Development Officer

01432 342179

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